Luxury card maker theory11 presents a very special set of luxury James Bond Playing Cards. These unique cards feature completely custom artwork in every aspect of the design, with the Ace of Spades, Joker, box design, and court cards inspired by iconic Bond films over the past six decades.
Details. Perfectly encapsulated in gold foil and embossed accents, the ultra-lux outer packaging is truly representative of the esteemed intelligence officer. The box features two layers of gold foil, with a sculpted 3D emboss of the James Bond family crest on the back panel. A closer look inside reveals several iconic weapons and gadgets: the pen grenade from GoldenEye, Bond’s trusty Walther PPK, the ski pole gun from The Spy Who Loved Me, Jinx’s knife from Die Another Day, and much more! The cards are printed on paper stock finished with the finest paper coatings for the most durable, long-lasting feel and finish.
Opening seal. As is the custom when opening a fresh deck of playing cards, theory11 recommend cutting the red paper seal with a knife. This will leave a neat finish and preserve the design's integrity.
The maker. theory11 makes the world's finest playing cards. Featuring custom artwork, gold foil card boxes, premium embossing, and the highest quality stock and finishes. The result is an exquisite blend of beauty and elegance, made in America. The company was founded in 2007 with one purpose: to advance, inspire and create wonder.