Tempo plus adds UV two-color light variable printing technology to the original tempo box, which is probably the boldest application of this technology in the field of cardistry so far.
Under the indoor lighting, tempo's original high-profile pattern design is completely hidden, replaced by the minimalist style of black and white style. Even card pips in the face completely disappears, leaving only corner index for easy identification. Its superiority is hidden beneath its low-key appearance. Awaiting to amaze the world with its one single brilliant feat.
When the UV light is turned on and the UV light shines on the cards, the minimalist design elements magically disappear, and instead, a chic trendy style comes soaring back at you. You will be at awe as you embrace the marvelous sight and the great visual impact never before seen.
- Independent Research & Development: Dual-colored UV light fluorescence technology.
- Independent Research & Development: The world's first three-layer telescopic card box structure.
- An aluminum alloy lithium UV light-emitting pen is included in the gift box.
- Self-elevating gift box and protective case.
- Limited to 2500 sets. Individually numbered seal.